E.P.M.N.P.E. Training

Emergency Prevention and Management in Non-Permissive Environments

E.P.M.N.P.E. training is dedicated to security in non-permissive areas. It deals with the specific issues affecting personnel who, for whatever reason, are in geographical areas or countries with medium to high conflict levels and examines planning and solutions designed to ensure physical security.
The target of the course topics are persons with or without experience in the sector; in other words, they are for a public of non-professionals as well as for security personnel, with the aim of explaining what measures should be taken and what choices should be made for people who have to travel, live and operate in crisis areas.

Topics covered

The introductory part covers the main features characterizing the security sector, related to objective and subjective factors.

The topics selected are aimed at providing attendees with basic knowledge regarding prevention and security.

The part called general principles of security provides an overview of the main problems. It provides some basics for the behavioral aspects, and on how to make proper choices in order to affect and possible enhance security. The defensive strategy to apply is developed by a defensive plan, examples of which are provided. The general principles of security section provides a basic framework for analyzing some situational risks, including the position and type of locations where people spend most of their time, such as the home and the workplace.

The dispersion/protection of information is covered in the points regarding behavior, telephone communications and protection from the risk of information theft, in the specific context of physical security. Besides the aspects related to telephone communications and behavior, the section on dispersion/theft of information provides a general overview of the topic.

Another basic component of personnel security is counter-surveillance, in particular physical counter-surveillance has a specific section which provides a framework and easy to implement techniques.

Security for getting around provides a general overview with the identification of techniques that may be implemented, referring to two conditioning factors: getting around in urban and rural areas, and the analysis of travel over relatively longer distances. This section deliberately leaves aside the situations and contexts related to particular areas, and takes onto account a high risk factor in order to provide scope for demonstrations and examples useful for facing and solving problems in these situations. As mentioned, this section regards problems in movement in urban and/or rural areas and longer distance travel, as well as strategies for planning itineraries and the management of the relative information. There is an explanation of the techniques involving the use of the system of emergency and communication points, which are a tool for monitoring and alarm especially employed in zones with particular geographical characteristics.

Coordination with the escort provides basic knowledge about the main structure and operational techniques of a protection service. The purpose is to favor the best integration between the users of the escort and the protection team, and develop skills for assessing the quality of the escort. This course provides elements to be able to determine on an overall level the efficiency and professional standards of an escort team assigned to us, as often happens, for example, in the countries of the Middle East, Africa or South America.

Coordination with the local authorities covers the key measures to be implemented to handle difficult environments in countries in risky situations and where it is often necessary to be able to develop relations.

The course regards the geographical areas and countries where one of the problems is the difficult relations with the local authorities and above all with the security forces, with negative events that can have disastrous if not tragic outcomes. The section regarding coordination with the local authorities and security forces provides guidelines and fundamental concepts to enhance awareness on this issue.

The sections dedicated to defensive strategy include the processing of data collected and analyzed as indicated in the previous sections. You need to rationalize your behavior in order to make correct choices and decisions, with special focus on the problem of security, with risk assessment and mitigation. Examples are provided on how to draft a defensive plan, taking into account the potential cases, conditioning factors and variables, which are innumerable. The aim is to achieve the formation of awareness regarding security.

Radio and telephone communications are an integral part of security in movements, and are covered in terms planning links and activating the emergency system.

Practical training (on request)

On the second day of the course, upon specific request, there is a kidnapping simulation, aimed at providing the course attendees with a hint of the psycho-physical impact that occurs in cases of forced seizure and detention. This simulation does not involve any violent treatment of prisoners, but is rather designed to provoke in-depth reflections on the reactions each one of us could have in a situation of being deprived of the most basic forms of personal freedom. Attendees can leave the simulation at any time immediately without being hindered.


Taking into account the target involved, with attendees who are probably professionals in the security sector, the type of subjects taught generally involve techniques that are simple but effective and easy to implement.
The main purpose is to provide usable, concrete tools, related to one another, and thus favor the creation of the awareness of the risk and the implementation of solutions for risk mitigation.
When the training request comes specifically from the sector of security and risk management, we can provide more advanced levels of information provided and types of simulations and tactical scenarios proposed.


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